NAS Pensacola, FL

Navy OCS Gouge

OCS class 12-02 (Fall 2001)
Navy Officer Candidate School at
Naval Aviation Schools Command
, NAS Pensacola, FL


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October 2001-February 2002 (next: Aviation Preflight Indoctrination across the street from OCS at NAS Pensacola, FL)

Since this writing, OCS has moved from its historic birthplace at Pensacola but the program is still identical. See an exclusive documentary here.

There isn't really much Gouge that you need for OCS. In fact, all you really need to know if you're a civilian and you've never been to any boot camp, is that you need to get prepared physically. If you don't, and you are in poor physical condition, it will be very difficult for you, and you might get held back for the next class (2 weeks = every other Sunday). Being held back is something you definitely do not want to have happen. Failing ONE THING will turn 13 weeks into 15, and then 15 to 17, and so on. I had several friends get held back.  For me OCS lasted 16 weeks, only because I went through Thanksgiving and Christmas, where vacation was awarded (Which by the way, isn't always the case). Here is some stuff to help you get through it. Oh, and bring a permanent ink clothing stamper, a checkbook, about $100 in small bills, and a cheap phone card that's rechargeable over the phone witha credit card (I recommend the COSTCO card, it's about $.03/minute). Now, All OCS training is done in Newport, Rhode Island as has been renamed "OTC-N".

How to prepare before arrival:

    1. Get in excellent physical shape. You will be required to obtain the highest physical level by the 13th week. It's not a TV show- you won't have a physical trainer to help you get there. You will struggle if you're not at least half way there when you begin. I suggest you print these out for help:
      1. Stretching Conditioning program (You will do this every day at OCS)
      2. Physical Readiness standards (Obtain at least "Good-High" level BEFORE arrival at OCS)
      3. Do lots of swimming. See the OCS swimming requirements.
    2. Get mentally prepared (memorize). Use these to get a head start:
      1. pdf OCS Conditioning program
      2. Memorization Requirements (Military Training)

    After arrival, the OCS Program is 13 weeks (ideally). Here's the breakdown of weeks:

    1. Week one: Indoctrination (lots of fun paperwork and other activites usually associated with militray Indoc)

      From NS Great Lakes' OCS website:
      "The 13 week OCS course is designed to give you a working knowledge of the Navy (afloat and ashore), to prepare you to assume the responsibilities of a Naval officer, and to begin developing you to your fullest potential. OCS is extremely demanding; morally, mentally, and physically. Your personal honor, courage, and commitment will be tested at OCS and you will be challenged to live up to the highest standards of these core values. The school’s curriculum will demand the most of your academic prowess. Mental training involves memorization of military knowledge, academic courses, and military inspections. Physical training (PT) begins almost immediately upon arrival at OCS. PT consists of running programs augmented by calisthenics, as well as aquatic programs. You must be committed to the goal of earning a commission as an Ensign in the Navy before arriving at Officer Candidate School."
    2. (Click image to see full-size photo) ZERO-ONE SQUARED AWAY LOCKER, on my 9th week inspection which led to a weekend of liberty.Week 2-6: Basic training. Of course, multi-daily physical & mental training. Classes like Engineering, Military Indoctrination, Naval History, Military Law, Naval Orientation, Special Emphasis Programs.
    3. Week 7-9: Intermediate training. Even tougher physical & mental training. Classes like Navigation, Seamanship, Damage Control.
    4. Week 10-11/12: Advanced training. More physical & mental training to prepare for the final check-out PFA/PRT (Personal Fitness Assessment / Physical Readiness Test). Naval Leadership & Naval Administration classes.
    5. Week 12/13: Leadership training, check-out, graduation, transition to Aviation Preflight Indoctrination.

    You may wonder why it is broken up this way. I have broken down each block by the amount of free time "awarded". This basically works out to 4 weekends of free time. (Not entire days, but some hours on Saturday/Sunday). Remember you will be property of the Navy, available for work, 24hrs/day, 7-days unless your superior decides otherwise. These hours also include sleeping hours. Some classes do not receive any free time during the 13 weeks. However, most classes are allowed one church visit per week after an initial performance evaluation by the class Drill instructor.

    Here's a great website from a friend of mine, a member of OCS class 12-02:
    Heath Alvarez' OCS website.

    (More in the Links section)

    Anybody already been through OCS? I'd like to get the running cadence lyrics in text. Email me if you got 'em.

    First salute, OCS class 12-02, 15 February 2002
    Photo of me at my first salute, OCS class 12-02, 15 February 2002:
    (Gunnery Seargeant Jones is the best D.I.!!)

    Thanks for all the requests to help offset the cost of running the website. It costs about $180/year to host it and averages over 34,000 downloads per month with over 2.3 Terabytes downloaded from December 2001 to December 2008. As per your suggestions, here is a Donation button for use with Paypal for your convenience. . Thanks

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Last updated: 7 November, 2012 18:19 by Bryan Weatherup