Pacific Partnership 2012 and working for a DESRON

June 2011+
Commander, Destroyer Squadron Seven, Carrier Strike Group Seven at 32nd Street Naval Station
and onboard USNS MERCY (T-AH-19) for Pacific Partnership 2012

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(Updated November 2011) My assignment at COMDESRON SEVEN as AIROPS aboard USS RONALD REAGAN (CVN-76) will be detailed later.

For now, please see my facebook page for Pacific Partnership 2012 information related to Philippines and Cambodia.

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GOUGE HOME | OCS | API | PRIMARY & INT. | ADVANCED HELO | SH-60B FRS / RAG | HSL-51 | Defense Language Institute | PEP Germany | Pacific Partnership 2012 - COMDESRON 7  [ Homepage ]

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Last updated: 9 July, 2008 0:37 by Bryan Weatherup