- Launch
NDZ (SVFR): 500/1
At site: 600/1
VFR: 1000/3
- Dual Fam Winds: Not above 20 KTS and/or gusts above 25 kts [RWOP 1010]
- South Whiting (NDZ) is 178 ft [RWOP 2001]
- Flight lines are labeled Alpha - Hotel. Bravo's are parked on Foxtrot,
Golf, and Hotel.
Each spot in a line is labeled, beginnning with one (e.g. Fox 1, Fox
- The engine shall not be started without a plane captain. [3002]
- Prior takeoff checklist, ground (Button 3) should be called:
South Whiting Ground, Eightball/Factoryhand 123, taxi VFR to Spencer/Santa
Rosa, X+XX hours, X souls, Spot __, with information __ [3003]
- A signal should be given by copilot to indicate to lineman desired takeoff
Minimum aircraft clearance is 100ft unless under direction of plane captain,
or during formation taxiing.
Outbound has priority over inbound. [3004]
- Runways 05/14 takeoff from Spot 1
Runways 23/32 (Bravo lines) takeoff from Spot 2
{if the runway has a "2" in it, that is its takeoff spot} [3005]
- At color change in pavement, ask copilot to switch to Tower (Button 4)
South Whiting Tower, Eightball/Factoryhand 123, Number 1 holding short
for takeoff, Spot 1 /2, Baker/Able departure. [3006]
- Be sure to check Fuel State, Instruments, Time, Transponder Alt (FITT)
- ABLE (Factoryhand early Fam):
- Spot 1:
Rwy 05 - Takeoff down Rwy 05. At 200 ft, climbing right turn direct to Able.
Rwy 14 - Takeoff off perpendicular to Rwy 05/23, through tree cut. At
200 ft, direct to Able (slight left turn)
- Spot 2:
Rwy 23 - Takeoff pependicular to Rwy 14/32. At 200 ft, climbing left
turn to downwind. Past extended centerline Rwy 32, direct to Able.
Rwy 32 - Takeoff down Rwy 32. Prior to Langley Rd., climbing left turn
to downwind. Past approach end Rwy 32, left turn direct to Able.
- BAKER (Eightball Fam):
- Spot 1:
Rwy 05 - Takeoff down Rwy 05. At 200 ft, climbing right turn to downwind.
Pass extended extended centerline Rwy 32 betwen the numbers and the field
direct to Baker
Rwy 14 - Takeoff off perpendicular to Rwy 05/23, through tree cut. Turn
right to cross RW 14-32 between the field boundry and the end of the
runway. Climbing
right turn direct to Baker
- Spot 2:
Rwy 23 - Takeoff pependicular to Rwy 14/32. At 200 ft, fly direct to
Baker (slight right turn).
Rwy 32 - Takeoff down Rwy 32. Prior to Langley road, regardless
of altitude, climbing left turn to Baker.
- BAKER (to Spencer):
Pt Baker is northernmost, silver water tower, bearing "PT BAKER" at intersections
of HWY 87/89. [3008]
- Reach Baker at 900 ft, 100 kt. Check instruments. Turn 265 to Pond
creek bridge
Visual checkpoints from "B" to pond creek bridge are:
- rusted roof house
- Zig Zag Field
- Green Barn Field
- Texas Field
- C fields/ T fields (left of channel) should not be used for emergencies.
- Switch Spencer (Button 8) prior to Pond Creek Bridge. [3009]
- ABLE (to Santa Rosa):
Pt. Able is water tower ¾ mile southeast of South Whiting. (you will see
it as soon as you take off)
- Reach Able at 900 ft, 100 kt. Check instruments. Turn 110 to Pt Fish,
intersection of Coldwater creek and Blackwater River. Visual checkpoints from "A" to Fish are:
- Richard Lake
- Shoot for the houses on the river @ Fish
- At Pt Fish
- Switch Santa Rosa (Button 9)
" Santa Rosa Crash, Factoryhand ___ Point Fish Inbound"
they will come back with the direction for landing
- Turn to ~165 and fly to the left of Tower 438
Keep Tower 438 on your right side (you can expect EPs here in later
- Crossing HWY 90
- Look for traffic
- Descend to 700 MSL
- Landing Checklist
- Call Base 10 minutes inbound "Skeds, Factoryhand/Eighball ___ 10 min inbound...
(your instructor will have you say more)"
- Switch Button 1 for ATIS
- Switch tower
- Main channel is defined as Course Rules from Site 8 to HWY 90, Pt.
Whiskey - Pt. Hughes - Pt. Igor
- Enter channel 900 ft, 100 kts. If traffic in channel,
turn parallel and opposite to traffic, then turn behind when clear.
WHISKEY (from Spencer):
Pt. Whiskey is the intersection of HWY 90/ Avalon Blvd.
"South Whiting Tower, Eightball 123, Whiskey w/ information X"
ECHO (from Santa Rosa):
Pt. Echo is the first overpass east of Blackwater River, at intersection
of I-10/ HWY 90.
"South Tower, Factoryhand ___ Point Echo inbound, with information X"
Turn 300° to Pt Hughes, watching for traffic from Pt. Whiskey (Wiskey has
the right-of-way)
Pt. Igor is the intersection of HWY 87/89 (at the power lines), southwest of
the field [3011]
- At IGOR, call South Whiting Tower, "Eightball/Factoryhand ___, Igor for
Spot X"
- Descend 700 ft, and perform landing checklist
- Landing spots are opposite of takeoff spots (if it has a "2" it's Spot
1)Refueling for Rwy 05,14,32 is Spot 3.
- Refueling for Rwy 23 is Spot 4.
- Spot 1:
Rwy 23 - Right turn to enter downwind for Rwy 23. Fly down Rwy 23 for hover
at Spot 1.
Rwy 32 - Right turn to enter left base for Spot 1. Turn left final,
through tree cutout, to land perpendicular Rwy 05/23, Spot 1.
- Spot 2:
Rwy 05 - Right turn to line up final Spot 2. Land perpendicualr Rwy 14/32
, Spot 2.
Rwy 14 - Right turn for right base Rwy 14. Fly down Rwy 14 for hover
at Spot 2.
- Clear the spot, ask copilot to switch to Ground (Button 3) and transponder
"South Whtiting Gorund, Eightball/Factoryhand 123, off Spot X, return, taxi to
my line."
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