TH-57B/C limits, ranges & figures |
Last updated:
6 April, 2003 22:21
AIRFRAME Dimensions: Main rotor 33'4", Tail rotor 5'5" Weights Main Rotor Tail Rotor CG Required Equipment -IMC Required Equipment -Night Maneuver Limits Prohibited Maneuvers FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICS Max Sideward/ Rearward Speed
Accelerations Min 0.5g - Max 2.5g Winds Rotor Engagement |
ENGINE 6 stage axial, 1 stage centrifugal 6.5 times ambient press Diffuser Scroll 500F 420 SHP / 317 SHP Drive Train - Ng Drive Train - Nf Drive Train - Nr Eng Oil System (5.5 qt. tank) TOT Transmission Oil Pressure FUEL HYDRAULICS ELECTRICAL
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